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ABOUT THE BOOKLight has always been an important aspect of our world, and in the modern age, it has become even more scientifically significant. Light has always given us vision, kept us warm, and facilitated life. But as we have learned more about light, we can now use it to transmit all kinds of data (from visual and audio communication to internet information), generate electrical power, and purify water, food, and air. As wonderful as these physical applications of light may be, they only hint at the full scope of what light can do. Indeed, light does not just have physical properties and physical applications.
The scriptures abound with spiritual teachings regarding light: Jesus is the Light of the World; he commands us to let our light shine; light is truth; and the Light of Christ is divine power given to all people to help us judge right from wrong. While these are all important gospel doctrines about light, there are a multitude of spiritual (and physical) properties of light that we do not yet understand. |
While scores of scientists and theologians have studied light and discovered many of its physical and spiritual properties, Aaron D. Franklin asks a deeper question: “Can we apply what we know scientifically about light to the doctrine of light in the gospel of Jesus Christ?”
In this book, Franklin discusses the physical properties of electromagnetic radiation (light) and presents his hypotheses regarding the radiation of spiritual light and how they relate to known scientific principles. In each chapter, Franklin discusses various aspects of physical and spiritual light in a way that allows readers of all levels of scientific and gospel expertise to gain a working understanding of the properties of light. These discussions will show readers how to see, feel, and know truth —which is light— by relating and connecting physical principles of electromagnetic radiation to gospel truths about light.
In this book, Franklin discusses the physical properties of electromagnetic radiation (light) and presents his hypotheses regarding the radiation of spiritual light and how they relate to known scientific principles. In each chapter, Franklin discusses various aspects of physical and spiritual light in a way that allows readers of all levels of scientific and gospel expertise to gain a working understanding of the properties of light. These discussions will show readers how to see, feel, and know truth —which is light— by relating and connecting physical principles of electromagnetic radiation to gospel truths about light.